Awards & Prizes
Awards & Prizes 
Nomination Process

ISER offers four International Prizes (The Endre A. Balazs Prize, The Ernst H. Bárány Prize, The Paul Kayser International Award in Retina Research, The Ludwig von Sallmann Prize) that are presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Eye Research. Nominations are accepted from ISER members who may nominate individuals from the eye and vision research community at large.

The International Society for Eye Research is committed to representing all of its members throughout our activities. With our awards, we strive to be inclusive, equitable, and where possible to be representative of our entire membership. We encourage members to identify exceptional research candidates from our diverse international research community for our awards. The nomination process should generate candidate lists that reflect our broad internationality and encourage gender equity. Candidates who have previously received one of the ISER Awards/Prizes are ineligible to receive the same or other ISER awards/prizes.

The 2023 nomination period is now closed.

Processes for The Endre A. Balazs Prize, The Ernst H. Bárány Prize, and The Retina Research Foundation's Paul Kayser International Award in Retina Research are outlined below. (See separate Ludwig von Sallmann Prize nomination instructions and forms below.)

Research Prizes Criteria
List of Awards & Prizes
The Endre A. Balazs Prize

The Council of ISER awards an International Prize to honor a distinguished scientist whose outstanding contributions provide significant progress in the field of experimental eye research. This prize was named the Endre A. Balazs Prize to honor Endre A. Balazs for his distinguished work in eye research and his contributions to the organization of the International Society for Eye Research. The Endre A. Balazs Prize is awarded at every Biennial Meeting of the Society for Eye Research. Preview previous award recipients here.

Submit Nomination for The Endre A. Balazs Prize
The Ernst H. Bárány Prize

The Council of ISER awards an International Prize in honor of Professor Ernst H. Bárány, for his distinguished work in the field of ocular pharmacology. This award is presented to a distinguished scientist who has made outstanding contributions in research that increases our understanding of ocular pharmacology directly related to or applicable to glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, or related retinal diseases. The Ernst H. Bárány Prize is awarded at each Biennial Meeting of the Society of Eye Research. Preview previous award recipients here.

Submit Nomination for The Ernst H. Bárány Prize
The Ludwig von Sallmann Prize

Ludwig von Sallmann was a distinguished international ophthalmologist and ophthalmic investigator who served on the staffs of Vienna, Peking and Columbia Universities and the Ophthalmology Branch of the former National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness at the National Institutes of Health. His wife, Henrietta von Sallmann, established a trust fund to award, in his memory, a cash prize every two years to an individual who has/have distinguished themselves by making a significant contribution to vision research and ophthalmology. Preview previous award recipients here.

Submit Nomination for The Ludwig von Sallmann Prize
The Retina Research Foundation's Paul Kayser International Award in Retina Research

The Council of ISER accepted a proposal from the Retina Research Foundation (RRF), Houston, Texas, to present the Foundation's Paul Kayser International Award in Retina Research at ISER's biennial congresses beginning in 1986. Nominees for and recipients of the award are selected by Foundation officials interacting with a committee appointed by the ISER Council.

Founded in 1969, Retina Research Foundation is a publicly supported, tax-exempt charitable organization that conducts an ongoing program of basic vision science research devoted to the retina and retinal diseases.

The Paul Kayser International Award in Retina Research was created by the Directors of Retina Research Foundation and endowed by the Trustees of The Kayser Foundation to honor and perpetuate the memory of long-time friend and dedicated benefactor of RRF, Paul Kayser. Through this award both organizations are demonstrating the conviction they shared with Mr. Kayser that blindness caused by retinal disease is a global concern and must be addressed accordingly. It is thus the purpose of this award to foster greater awareness of the need for intensive study of the retina, its role in the visual process, and the retinal diseases that threaten and/or destroy eyesight by recognizing outstanding achievement and sustaining meritorious scientific investigations worldwide.

The Paul Kayser International Award in Retina Research is a U.S. $50,000 award that comprises a $5,000 personal honorarium for the recipient(s) and a $45,000 research grant awarded to his/her/their research institution to support the research for which the award was received. Previous preview award recipients here.

Submit Nomination for The Paul Kayser International Award
Travel Fellowships

The ISER Travel Fellowship program is funded through a variety of sources to support the participation of young scientists at each biennial meeting of the International Society for Eye Research. The ISER Membership Committee reviews and ranks applications, and selects the final travel fellowship recipients, based on established criteria.

ISER Travel Fellowships are intended to assist in defraying the travel costs of Fellowship recipients who attend the Biennial Meeting. This will include waiver of registration fees as well as partial payment of air fare; the latter will be based upon average, round-trip coach air fare from the Fellowship recipient's geographical region to the airport most proximal to the meeting city. Travel Fellowships will be paid by check in U.S. dollars; recipients are responsible for converting these payments to the currency of their choice.

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